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​個展「静かな湖畔の底から」テキスト 2020

Solo exhibition "See the World from the Bottom of Lakeside "








「LimitedVision」Japan Edit 2018

 Rationing and disruption :Arts chiyoda 3331

「その風景を想像する 」のためのテキスト


この作品は1923年に起こった福田村事件をモチーフにしている。 福田村事件で殺された行商団の中には2歳、4歳、6歳の子どもも含まれていた。 私は事件現場に行き、彼らが殺された場所に行くまでの道のりを歩いた。 2歳の子どもはまだ死を理解していなかっただろう。その子どもが最後にどんな風景を見たのか、想像したかった。 私が描いた風景は、私が見た風景である。しかし2歳児の地上から約70cmの目線から見えた風景を想像すること が私には必要だった。 この事件を理解するための試みは今後も続いていく。



関東大震災の直後、流言蜚語を真に受けた自警団による朝鮮人虐殺が各地で起こった。その中で日本人が朝鮮人に間違われ自警団に殺された福田 村事件があった。 香川県からきた行商団が自警団により朝鮮人と間違われ 15 名中 9名が虐殺された。犯人である自警団は「郷土を朝鮮人から守った俺は憂国の志士 であり、国が自警団を作れと命令し、その結果誤って殺したのだ」などと主張した。


”I imagine the Landscape ”
 This work has a motif of Fukuda village incident that occurred in 1923. Children who were killed in Fukudamura Incident also included children 2 years old, 4 years old, and 6 years old. I walked the distance to the place where they were murdered . I guess that the 2-year-old child would not understand death. I wanted to imagine it what kind of scenery a child watched before the child died. The scenery which I drew is the scenery which I watched. However, it was necessary for me to imagine the scenery
which eye level of approximately 70 cm from the ground of the 2 years old child . My attempts to understand this incident will continue in the future.

Fukuda vill incident

Immediately after the Great Kanto Earthquake, Korean massacres happened in various places by vigilantes who truly received rumorous words. Among them, there was a case of Fukuda village in which the Japanese were mistaken for Koreans and killed by vigilante groups. A mercantile group from Kagawa Prefecture was mistaken for Koreans by vigilante groups and 9 out of 15 people were slaughtered. The vigilante who is the criminal claimed that "I guarded the country from the Koreans, I am a volunteer in the country of mind, ordered the country to make a vigilante group, and as a result murdered it by mistake."


「LimitedVision」Japan Edit

Spotlight:Art Trace Gallery









"Rewrite the map"

This work has a motif of Fukuda village incident that occurred in 1923.

I went to the scene where the incident occurred and put the scenery there with a line drawing into the map.

The Fukuda village incident occurred 95 years ago, but it seems to have compressed the problem of Japan today.

Racism, occupational discrimination, nationalism, etc. I think that such incidents may happen again if we mistake a step in current Japan.I’m considering how I can capture this case as ourselves and how I can make it my own  physical experience as a personal experience.I needed that attemptas an artist. In order to make the scenery my own scenery, I rewrote the public map to private one. Within this work you can not see the landscape without gazing and you can not reach your destination without focusing on it.



個展「生きていたら見た風景」テキスト 2017









"The scenery which I saw if I was alive"


I got pregnant and gave birth, and I have to face my values. "I want a healthy child to be born." When I thought so, I noticed my discrimination consciousness. At the same time I also recalled the child killing incident that occurred near me. Why did the mother kill the baby born shortly after it was born? Why was the baby killed? I felt that the murdered mother and the baby who was killed also seemed part of me.

The criminal of the Sagamihara disabled facility killing case committed the incident under a clear eugenic philosophy. The criminal shocked society by killing many disabled strangers, but the case of killing a child with a disability from long ago was happening many times. However, it seems that even sympathy was gathered even to parents who committed murder but it was hardly condemned publicly like this time. "Inner eugenics thought" lives in the bottom of my heart unconsciously like a tacit understanding even if it is not in the table.


All the values are drifting like air, unconsciously unknowingly internalized, it becomes natural and it will not even have doubts. In 1940, the national eugenic law based on "eugenics" was established in Japan. In 1948 the eugenic protection law came into effect and the provisions related to compulsory seeding etc, which had been prescribed based on eugenics thought until 1996, remained.


There is only the logic of "killing side" specified, and it seems that the logic of "side to be killed" is not at the beginning.

A family is a minimum unit society.

It seems at first glance that home and national policy seems to be far apart, and it unwittingly creates 'a home picture that should exist' by gradually influencing the individual's sense of values like air.

This exhibition constitutes the venue from the perspective of the establishment of the "eugenic protection law" and the viewpoint of "side that can not be conveyed".

個展「紀元二六〇〇年ー西暦2020年 棄てたのは私、棄てられたのは私」2016

1940年(昭和15年)、紀元二六〇〇年記念事業として東京で開催される予定だった、万国博覧会、 第十二回オリンピック東京大会は日中戦争激化と国際的非難を理由に中止に追い込まれた。 当時、紀元二六〇〇年記念事業として数々の式典や事業が行われたが、それにともない1937年の 報知新聞東京版では東京の景観美化を呼びかけた記事が載せられ京橋地区の「不良住宅」が問題と された。 東京の景観美化運動が、清潔化、衛生化と同義に捉えられた時、そこから排除された人々の暮らしが あった。それを牽引したのが当時の美術批評家協会や学者、建築家、東京市職員らによる有志団体の 「都市美協会」だった。

国家事業が行われる時、その裏にあるもの、存在を消されていくものがある。 その流れは現在でも変わらず、収束の見えない原発事故、東北、九州の震災の復興も終わらないまま 2020年開催予定のオリンピック東京大会の準備は進められている。 国家の威信をかけた事業が行われる時、アートもまた利用される。海外のお客様に見せたくないものを 隠すための隠れ蓑や、「日本の文化」を示すためにアートに正しさを求められることもある。

今回の展示では、会場となる日暮里のHIGURE17-15cas の付近の地域にかつてあり、自治体からの 排除対象となっていた廃品回収業のバタヤ集落について想像し制作をした。 また、ホームレスを排除するためのオブジェである「排除アート」について考察し、国家と差別、 国家に利用されるアートの「排除するもの」、「排除されるもの」、「排除を逃れるもの」の関係を絵画、インスタレーション作品を通して再考する試みである。


"It was me that I abandoned the AD 20020 - AD 2020, I was abandoned"

1940 (Showa 15), the World Exposition, the 12th Olympic Games Tokyo Competition, which was scheduled to be held in Tokyo as a celebration of the 200th century AD, ceased due to intensification of the Japan-China war and international criticism I was forced into. At that time, a number of ceremonies and projects were held as a memorial project for the 200th century AD, along with that, in the report version of the 1937 announcement newspaper Tokyo version, an article calling for beautification of the landscape of Tokyo was carried and the "bad houses" in the Kyobashi area Was regarded as a problem. When the landscape beautification campaign in Tokyo was regarded as synonymous with cleanliness and sanitation, there were lives of those who were excluded from there. It was the "urban beauty association" of the volunteer group by the art critics association, scholars, architects, and Tokyo city officials at the time.

When the national project is carried out, there are things behind it, something goes out of existence. The flow is still unchanged, preparations for the Olympic Games Tokyo convention to be held in 2020 are proceeding without terminating the convergence nuclear accident, nuclear disaster in Tohoku and Kyushu earthquake disaster recovery. Art is also used when the state prestige project is carried out. There are occasions when asking for correctness in art to show hiding stuff to hide things you do not want to show overseas and to show "Japanese culture".

In this exhibition, I imagined and produced the Bataya settlement of the waste collection business which once existed in the vicinity of Nippori 's Higure 17-15 cas as the venue, which was the object of exclusion from the municipality. Also, I will examine the "exclusion art" which is an object for eliminating homelessness, and will examine "excluding art" of national and discrimination, art of "used to be excluded", "exclusionary things", "escape from exclusion" It is an attempt to rethink the relationship through paintings and installation works.

© Haruka Kudo 2018

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